Wednesday, June 30, 2010

10 Steps to Becoming a TV Expert: Step 7

Step 7: Join the online directories of experts which TV production companies turn to when they’re looking for an expert to comment on a subject or be part of a show. Ok, now it's time for a bit of self promotion. There are a few online directories of experts out there, but is the only one that's run by a TV producer with 15 years experience making & developing programmes and looking for talent (see my CV). In other words, findaTVexpert is run by someone who understands the needs of the experts and of the industry. By registering you'll be in a directory that's actively promoted to the TV industry - and that more and more members of the industry are turning to when they're looking for experts, ideas & inspiration. You'll also be in my little black book (which I take to my regular meetings with heads of development, creative directors, executive producers, etc) and you'll have a chance for extra PR in my newsletters to the TV industry. See recent copies here. Ok, self promotion over. But you get the message. If you want to be a TV expert, the TV industry has to be able to find you.

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